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Come dare to win!

All In is an easy-read, a tough-read, a deep-dive, and an honest conversation, engaging with strategy and organization using theory, analysis and emotions simultaneously.

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Available now in paperback and ebook!

Available now in paperback and ebook!

We have an urgent problem to solve.

Our societies and progressive political organizations are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. They have been there for some time and are imploding in uncertainty.

Everyone – organizers and otherwise – is more and more aware of two sets of information. The first is that the capitalist system is the root cause of the climate crisis and has absolutely no perspective of solving it. The logical consequence is that the task of the progressive movements is to dismantle capitalism. The second information is the threat of runaway warming cascading into climate chaos. In other words: urgency. Both of these sets of information are extremely heavy to carry.

The progressive movements need a framework that is politically honest, analytically rigorous, and emotionally connected. This framework must push society into the biggest transformation ever occurred in history.

This is the problematique of this book.

All In builds a theory of change that can hold both of these sets of information, together with the organizational model to deliver that theory of change, to address today’s task: dismantling capitalism in the short-term.

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